From No-Buy to Low-Buy: New Rules

Welp, after a start, crash and burn, we’re reassessing the challenge and planning for success. To that end, the no buy is turning into a low buy with a 10 item limit.

The Rules

  • 10 items across all categories (clothing, shoes, accessories) may be added until April 2023

  • When a new item enters the wardrobe, an old one must go

This way, I can continue editing, restyling, and refining my wardrobe while leaving a little room to breath and adding flexibility for trips and other milestones when I might like to add a garment to my collection.

The 10 item limit is a useful way to reflect on the item at hand - Is it a crush or a long-term affair? Will something better come along? - and put some rails around the habit.

Wish me luck ;)



Sneaker Roundup (from a Non-Sneakerhead)


I Already Failed My No-Buy Year